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Blog Post 9 – It’s Time to Show Your Home, Are You Ready?

The time has come; You have done the hard work to get your home listed. You have decluttered, you have taken great photos, deep cleaned and more. The landscaping looks amazing and now you and your agent are officially ready to show your home.

Some very important tips when showing your home on a daily basis are:

1. Make sure that the lighting is appropriate in terms of both natural light and artificial light. For example, canned lighting and lamps. Artificial lighting lamps can be both floor lamps and table lamps. A seller should have updated lighting in terms of fixtures and lamps, not outdated styles. They don’t have to break the bank as there are many replicas of higher-end fixtures at home improvement stores that look fine. The lighting should be the same throughout the house, either white touch or yellow. I recommend somewhere in between. Yellow lighting is dull and dark and bright white looks like a science lab so strive for a soft white that brings warmth and brightness to the room.

2. All blinds should be up, and curtains open to bring in the most natural light. If it is an afternoon showing and you are facing west, you might need to lower blinds a bit to get away from the blinding sun. Same thing if you are facing east in the morning light.

3. A big tip in terms of importance: painting! A fresh coat of paint or touchups needed for first showings.

4. Scent – refrain from cooking intense smells such as fish, garlic, cumin, peppers or any other strong spices or food that may not be pleasing to all noses. Try a fresh batch of cookies or candles!

5. Fresh flowers on the table or counter in a few different rooms.

6. Toilet seats need to be down, end of story.

7. Beds made with updated and fresh bedding and pillows fluffed on beds and couches/chairs.

8. Bathroom and kitchen counters free of clutter. Additionally, counters should be wiped off any debris.

9. Any plants looking fresh and watered.

10. Fresh and clean towels in bathrooms.

11. No old robes hanging out behind the doors.

12. Fresh air or pleasant temperature such as having the air conditioner on or having the home nice and warm if it is wintertime.

13. Floors swept and carpet vacuumed.

14. Bedrooms picked up and clothes hung or put away in the closet. Focus extra attention on those closets that should be organized and clutter-free.

15. Lastly, if you have a garage, the buyer will most likely look in there. Keep clutter-free and it usually is best to move the car out unless we are trying to show how a large car or SUV fits.

Phew! Give yourself a pat on the back as you just had your first showing and potential offer on your home!

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